
From the recording Speaking a Dead Language



He grabs them by the genitals
and he knows more than the generals.
Nobody but he
is more X, Y, or Z.
It’s a disaster and a mess
says the P-O-T-U-S,
and he blames it on the press
while proclaiming his success.
He’s the D-E-S-P-O-T-U-S.
He’ll build a 20 billion dollar wall
and Mexico will pay for it all.
He’s finally restoring law and order
by separating children at the border.
He pardoned Joe the sheriff,
he’s implementing tariffs,
and he doesn’t seem to care if
kids have no health insurance
or they’re victims of gun violence.
He’s the D-E-S-P-O-T-U-S.

He calls his critics losers.
He paid off his accusers.
He watched beauty queens disrobe.
He’s a staunch islamophobe.
He says the news is fake,
and he never makes mistakes.
He’s going to flood the swamp
with circumstance and pomp.
He’s the D-E-S-P-O-T-U-S.
He’s going to make America great again,
starting with a Muslim travel ban.
He says that he’s a very stable genius.
He guarantees his hands describe his penis.
He says there’s no collusion.
It’s a witch hunt, no collusion.
The truth is an illusion.
It’s chaos and confusion.
Did he mention no collusion?
He’s the D-E-S-P-O-T-U-S.

He’s tenaciously mendacious,
and audaciously rapacious.
He vainly self-promotes.
He puts Justice in quotes.
He won’t disclose his tax.
He claims alternative facts,
like fraud at the voting booth.
The truth is not the truth.
He’s the D-E-S-P-O-T-U-S.
He trusts his KGBFF more than the CIA,
more than the FBI, more than the NSA.
He says that global warming is just a Chinese hoax.
He sticks up for the rights of wealthy hetero white folks.
He calls women dogs and pigs.
He says the system’s rigged.
His arrogant hypocrisy
makes a mockery of democracy.
He’s running a kleptocracy,
the D-E-S-P-O-T-U-S.