From the recording PRECARIOUS


Post-Apocalyptic Dystopian Future Revisited

Tell me something I don’t know.
You’re preaching to the choir.
It’s 25 degrees below.
We set the world on fire.
The atmosphere’s lugubrious.
The landscape bears the ravages.
The water’s insalubrious.
And we all live like savages.

The post-apocalyptic dystopian future
is frightening and unpleasant.
It fills me with nostalgia for
the pre-apocalyptic dystopian present.

Rock me baby, all night long,
like my back were a boneless fillet,
while the Geiger counter plays a song
of radioactive decay.
Will the planet be covered by water?
Will we all live in underground caves?
Are we lemming our way to the slaughter?
Are we already digging our graves?

The post-apocalyptic dystopian future
is coming very fast.
And it won’t be much different from
the pre-apocalyptic dystopian past.

Look out for that mutant.
Don’t drink that pollutant.
Do not eat the toxic waste.
It has a putrid aftertaste.
Be careful to avoid
that creepy humanoid.
Watch out for that zombie.
Here comes a tsunami.

We’ll have to wear clothing that’s leaden,
and we will be plumb out of luck,
if we survive Armageddon
while the robots are running amok.
When the warming has gone global,
when the polar ice caps defrost,
it will be just like Chernobyl
after the holocaust.

The post-apocalyptic dystopian future
is frightening and unpleasant.
It fills me with nostalgia for
the pre-apocalyptic dystopian present.