From the recording FANBASE

If you are wondering about the term “iconic ichthys” in the lyrics, it is a symbol that you have probably seen frequently on vehicles in front of you, even if you were unaware of its provenance. It consists of two intersecting arcs, the ends of the right side extending beyond the meeting point so as to resemble the profile of a fish.

The Greek word for fish is ΙΧΘΥΣ (ichthys), which is an acrostic for Ἰησοῦς Χριστός Θεοῦ Yἱός Σωτήρ (Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior).


From Eternity Back to Here

Those stick figure families with baby on board,
still tethered to their umbilical cord.
Swarming like bees without a hive
on unicycles with all-wheel drive.

They’re hitting the highway and get-out-of-Dodging,
ignoring the billboards for gas, food, and lodging.
Speeding past all of the roadside repellants,
flooring the hydrocarbon propellants.

Where do they come from? Where are they bound?
Are they destined for glory or just driving around?
They’re shifting the stick to a higher gear,
on the road from eternity … back to here.

They’re blowing through stop signs and running the red lights.
Bugs on the windshield and deer in the headlights.
SUV jockeys, petroleum pumpers,
dishonor students with unfulfilled bumpers.

The fuzzy dice and the iconic ichthys,
Saint Christopher medal and dashboard Jesus.
Crossing their fingers. Crossing their toes.
Pilgrims en route to where God only knows.

Where do they come from? Where are they bound?
Are they destined for glory or just driving around?
They come from afar, they go from anear,
on the road from eternity … back to here.

Internal combustion is doing a slow burn.
Making a U-turn, making an O-turn.
Will they come hither? Will they go yon?
Will they remain on the road that they’re on?

Where do they come from? Where are they bound?
Are they destined for glory or just driving around?
The 10 and the 2 on the wheel that they steer,
from here to eternity, and eternity back to here.