  1. I'm Jack Ruby

From the recording FANBASE

When I was 10 years old, I witnessed a murder. I was by no means the sole witness.

Two days earlier, on November 22, 1963, our school principal Mr. Welkie walked into our classroom, his face even more somber than usual, and announced that President Kennedy had been shot in Dallas. We were dismissed home early. I was watching TV with my friend Kenny Parker, and heard a commentator speculate that the president may have been shot by a right winger. I asked, “What’s a right winger?” Kenny said, “I don’t know. I think it’s a kind of rifle.”

Less than 48 hours later, I was again watching TV when Lee Harvey Oswald, JFK’s presumptive assassin, was being escorted from the Dallas Police Headquarters to be taken to jail. A burly man in a hat stepped up and fired a gun into Oswald’s abdomen, while millions of people watched on live television. As the shooter was subdued by the police he told them, “You all know me. I’m Jack Ruby.”


I’m Jack Ruby

Jacob Leon Rubenstein
used to be my name.
You all saw my gray fedora
entering the frame.
You all know me. I’m Jack Ruby.
You watched me from the back.
I’m the guy who shot the guy
who shot the other Jack.

Bob Jackson rode to Dealey Plaza,
covering the story.
He spied a rifle in the window
of the Book Depository,
his camera sadly empty
at that moment on the spot,
but he was locked and loaded
to shoot me when I shot.

The deal went down in Dallas
in November ’63.
You all saw me shoot him dead,
live on NBC.
You all know me. I’m Jack Ruby.
You couldn’t look away.
I’m the guy who shot the guy
who murdered JFK.

Please look after my dog Sheba.
I left her in the car.
I gave two of her puppies to
my dear friend Candy Barr.
Please take care of Little Lynn
and all my other dancers.
Don’t ask them any questions.
You won’t get any answers.

I’m the cowboy from Chicago
who runs the Carousel.
My Colt Cobra .38 sent
Oswald straight to hell.
You all know me. I’m Jack Ruby.
You witnessed the event.
I’m the guy who killed the rat
who killed my president.

JFK was born in Brookline.
Oswald came from New Orleans.
I was Army. Jack was Navy.
Oswald, the Marines.
Was it just coincidence,
or a vast conspiracy,
that we all died at Parkland,
Jack, then Lee, then me?

Was Oswald just a patsy,
or did he act alone?
The answer to that question
never will be known.
You all know me. I’m Jack Ruby.
I put down that putz.
I did what you all wanted to,
but you didn’t have the guts.