  1. Bestiary

From the recording Bestiary

This is a waltz in D minor about unusual fauna. I started my journey aboard this lyrical H.M.S. Beagle when, for some obscure reason, I happened to read about the platypus. It was initially thought by Europeans near the end of the 18th century to be a hoax perpetrated by an Asian taxidermist. I quickly realized that the duck bill is the least of its weird attributes.


Hatched from an egg in the riverbank muck.
The tail of a beaver. The bill of a duck.
A venomous spur. The foot of an otter
for walking on land and swimming in water.
Nippleless nursing with pores for lactation.
The platypus uses electrolocation
for hunting its prey, just like a shark.
It has waterproof fur that glows in the dark.

The pangolin is a mammal with scales
made up of keratin, like fingernails.
It curls in a ball for protection from foes.
Its vision is poor. It relies on its nose.
It doesn’t have teeth, so it swallows gravel
to grind up the insects it finds on its travels.
It eats 20,000 ants in one day.
A gland on its bottom emits noxious spray.

The Jesus Christ lizard can run across water.
The Komodo dragon can clone its own daughter.
See the horned lizard shoot blood from its eyes
and the satanic leaf-tailed gecko’s disguise.
An axolotl can regrow a limb.
Fish gotta fly. Birds gotta swim.
So many strange creatures, so big and so small.
And humans are strangest of all.